Category: WP5 Providing the necessary equipment, training and implementation

Preparation of info web Platform

Preparation of info web Platform

Preparation of info web Platform Aggregation of all data related to the project into informational website. Main parts of the informational site are: Private area where participant collects sensitive data and prepares it for...

Evaluation and classification of data – implementation of data integration solution

Evaluation and classification of data – implementation of data integration solution

Evaluation and classification of data – implementation of data integration solution. Building of a database with multispectral photogrammetric data acquisition images. Database keeps data about: • Direct image processing • NIR – Near-infrared spectroscopy...

Equipment delivery – Workstations

Equipment delivery – Workstations


Equipment delivery – Binoculars

Equipment delivery – Binoculars

Equipment delivery – notebooks Lenovo and GPS Garmin Montana

Equipment delivery – notebooks Lenovo and GPS Garmin Montana

Еquipment delivery Konica-Minolta Bizhub

Еquipment delivery Konica-Minolta Bizhub

Delivery of an unmanned aircraft under the FORPRO project

Delivery of an unmanned aircraft under the FORPRO project