The project partners identify the project target groups which need to be reached by different activities.
The target groups to which the information and publicity mearusres are intended are:
+ The general public. The aim is raising the awareness regarding the targets and results of project “Common cross-border policies for forest protection” with acronym FORPRO, financed by Cross-border Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Greece – Bulgaria 2014 – 2020 and its financial contribution; attracting the interest of the general public and guaranteeing transparency of the process of implementation of the Programme; guaranteeing equal access to information to all that may be interest, as well as raising the awareness of the public about the positive role of the Programme.
+ Local, regional and national authorities that are involved in the management of the forest fund. This is the main project target group which the information about the planned events and the results in the area
of Integrated pests managements need to reach. This is the target group that can lead to multiplying the effect of the Integrated innovative methods for forest protection through the use of natural control on pests and the
use of the developed common cross-border policies for combating biological threats.
+ Universities and scientific institutions. This is the other very important target group which the information about the planned events and the results in the area of Integrated pests managements need to reach. This is the target group that can lay the scientific foundation of solving the problems and lead to the development of Integrated methods for forest protection through the use of natural control on pests and the use of the developed common cross-border policies for combating biological threats.
+ Non-profit organizations – In both countries there is a number of functioning non-profit organizations dealing with preserving the environment and forests which have a broad net not only in the cross-border area, but throughout the countries. They need to be acquainted and well informed regarding the results of the project and the opportunities for use of innovative methods for forest protection through the use of natural
control on pests and use of the developed policies for combating biological threats. The aim is that these organizations have the possibility to distribute the good practices in other regions of both countries, because the problem that the project FORPRO is combating, is present in all forest territories.
+ Local, regional, national, European and specialized media, which contribute to the popularization of the project – Media is our main target group which can distribute information to all other target groups most
effectively. A large portion of the measured in the policy for dissemination faces namely the media, because it is the main channel for dissemination the results of the project.